*I ran out of apricots the last time I made this and subbed in prunes, which you can see in the image above. Equally as delicious as a[ricots.


This is one of my favorite roasted chicken recipes it was born out of researching various Moroccan chicken dishes and has evolved over the years into this citrus version of my own. It’s warm, spiced and has a sweet heat paired with the caramelized apricots - each bite makes you want another. This dish is a serious crowd pleaser. A recipe I’ve shared with family and friends many times and everyone asks for more. Even the pickiest of eaters will love it. It’s sweet, got heat and incredible flavor. What’s not to love?


*Serves 4ppl

  • Chicken Breasts and Thighs - bone in and skin on - estimate a 1/2lb to 1lb per person

  • 1lb Non-Sulfur Apricots

  • 1-2 Sweet Onions 

  • 1lb Carrots

  • 1 Bag of small potatoes - red or golden - make sure they are little not roasters

  • 6 Tangerines or any other orange citrus 

  • ½ Stick of unsalted butter

  • 1 Quart of Pacific Chicken Stock/Broth

  • Honey

  • Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt

  • Black Pepper

  • Berber Seasoning or Sub Paprika

  • Roasting Pan

Roasted Chicken with Citrus and Apricots


PRE-HEAT THE OVEN TO 420 (on bake or roast)


  • Juice the tangerines into a bowl

  • Halve the apricots and place them in the bowl. Set them aside while you prepare everything else.


  • Pat dry your chicken and place in the roasting pan

  • Salt and Pepper both sides of the chicken

  • Add ¼ tsp of Berber to each piece of chicken

  • Rub the dry seasoning onto the chicken


  • Peel the carrots and cut them on a bias; each piece should be forkable, nothing too small about half thumb's worth

  • Cut the potatoes in half

  • Quarter the onions 

  • Toss them all in 1 tablespoon on extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper 

  • Add more oil if needed. The veg should all glisten a bit but not be dressed like a salad 

  • Toss it in the Roasting pan around the chicken, not covering the chicken

  • Add the juice of the tangerines and the apricots now too - distribute all over the pan, mixing in with the other vegetables 

  • Add enough chicken broth to cover the bottom of the pan - about a thumbs nails worth of broth. If the veggies are floating, you added too much. 

  • Grab the honey - table a tablespoon and drizzle a heap of honey over each chicken piece; don't be precious about this. Just slap it on and move on.

Soak the apricots in the juice of your chosen citrus.


  1. Put the pan in the oven.

  2. Cook for 25 mins (total cooking time is 45mins or until the chicken is cooked to 165 degrees)

  3. Add ½ a stick of butter ( drop it anywhere on the veg)

  4. Add more broth; much of it will have evaporated by now, so probably ½ a cup

  5. Baste the chicken with the broth n butter, this will become your jus

  6. Put it back in the oven to cook for another 20mins or so

  7. Baste again in 10mins, then 10 mins after that

  8. Once the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degree,s it’s done

  9. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature in the thickest part of the breast. If the breast is done, so are the thighs

  10. Let it sit for a few and serve it all together 

  11. There should be some liquid in the bottom of the pan to use as a jus

  12. Serve and add the jus to the platter yummmm
